jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

Chess Tournament Sat. May 3rd , 2014 LAREDO, TX. USA

May G/25 Chess Tournament

Sat. May 3rd

, 2014

Site: 3220 San Bernardo Laredo, TX 78040 Suite A. (Sal’s Pizza)

Format: 5SS, All Rounds are G/25 (4 Sec Delay)

USCF Quick Rated. Current USCF Membership Required.

(USCF Membership may be Purchased On-Site). (www.chessplayersclub.com)

Divisions: 1 Section: Open (Swiss Style Tournament)

Entry Fee for Club Members: $5 (Same Price if Pre-Registered or On-site)

Entry Fee for Non-Club Members: $10 (Same Price if Pre-Registered or On-site)

Chess Player’s Club Membership Fees: $20 Adult & $10 Youth (21 & Under) 

(1 Year Chess Player’s Club Membership may be purchased On-Site)

Onsite Registration: 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. Sat. May 3rd

Rounds: Sat. May 3rd

 10:00 a.m., 2nd

Accelerated pairings may be used at the TD’s discretion.

Only One ½ point bye is available and must be requested before the end of the 

Tie-breakers: SwissSYS pairing program will be used. – Modified Median, 

Solkoff, Cumulative and Cumulative opponent.

Prizes: USCF Quick Rating Points!

Notes: Bring your own chess set and clock if you have them.

TD: USCF National TD Lakshmana Viswanath. (956)717-8384. 

Pre-registration is encouraged! E-mail Full name, Your E-mail Address, 

Phone Number(s) and USCF ID to: lakshmana.viswanath@gmail.com 

Name__________________ USCF ID__________________________ 

E-mail__________________ Telephone________________________